Looking forward, the future of the club will be in the hands of today’s juniors. We are a small club and while, many of our members have been with the club since its start in the 1970s, we do have some up and coming junior handlers.
This June, then, we feature Mackenna Kyle who handles Aberwyvern Mr. Wizard (Gandalf). Here’s Mackenna putting Gandalf through his paces in a May 2014 show in Ottawa.
Updates and many more details on the 2014 National Specialty are now available! See under Events tab for the Premiums for this not-to-missed Specialty 1-4 August 2014 near Calgary, Alberta followed by the National Herding Specialty near Pincher Creek. These events are for everyone as there are classes for all Cardigans – if you have never entered a show, now is the chance and we are here to help you! There are long-standing trophies and exciting prizes and raffle chances – check out the details.