A huge welcome to the CCCC National Conformation and Herding Specialties next month (1-4 and 6 August, 2014)
The Canadian Cardigan Corgi Club especially welcomes junior handlers!
Here’s Bryn Glasco with Drover who are busy getting ready for their debut in the 2014 National Specialty so we wish Bryn and Drover and everyone else “The best of luck, the best of weather and the best of times!”
Time is getting short (entries close 9 July 2014) but there’s still time to try your luck and buy lottery tickets and sign up for the pot luck supper (6:30 p.m. on Sunday August 3). During the pot-luck supper, the raffle will be drawn as well as the Rally-O, OB, and Agility rosette’s and prizes. Updates and more details on the 2014 National Specialty are still available! See under Events tab for the Premiums for this not-to-missed Specialty 1-4 August 2014 near Calgary, Alberta followed by the National Herding Specialty near Pincher Creek.