- Host hotel – the Future Inns at 30 Fairfax Dr, 15 minutes from the show site. A block of rooms is reserved at a preferred rate until August 12. Free parking & no fee for dogs in the room. Mention the CCCC or get the code from the welcome letter on the cccclist.
- Specialty dinner – Saturday, Sept 3 . at the hotel and shared with the Pembroke Club.
- Specialty conformation and rally and obedience shows – at the Halifax Forum, Halifax NS, September 2 – 4, along with HKC’S 4 all -breed obedience and rally trials and 3 conformation shows; first show on Friday evening.
- Specialty conformation show – Saturday Sept 3 , time of day determined after entries close.
- Judges – regular classes is Kristin Francis (Niagara Ont. ) and sweeps judge is
Jean Clifford (Rochester NY).
- Meet the breed session
- Specialty obedience and rally events – Sept 2. Evening. Judges t be announced.
- Specialty herding trial – Flowers Farm, Blue Rocks, NS on 31 August (part of 4 all-breed herding trials on August 30 & 31).
- Herding judges are Ron and Heather Forbes.
- A chance to try your young dogs on sheep as we have instinct testing and the new Novice Tested level, a gentle introduction to trialing in sheep herding.