August 24th to 27th, 2018
The CCCC 2018 National Specialty Show will be held in conjunction with the Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Dog Association’s all breed shows, August 24th to 27th,, at Long Sault, Ontario.
There will be a wide variety of events to choose from, starting with the specialty conformation show, along with puppy and veterans’ sweepstakes. The SD & G show offers four all-breed conformation shows. Agility, obedience and rally obedience competitions are also scheduled, with one from each event being designated the specialty event. One of the two Canine Good Neighbor tests will also be designated as a specialty event.
Piers is already working on his travel plans – we hope to see lots of great Cardigans and their people in August!
Click on the Facebook link to visit our page, where up-to-date information will be posted.