The Canadian Cardigan Corgi Club was born in the 1970s in the kitchen of Charlie MacInnes and Fanny Edwards of Finnshavn & Markwell Cardigans. At first it was an informal social and educational group that met monthly when possible. The first president was Sue Bain. Subsequent presidents were Fanny Edwards, Charlie MacInnes, Marilyn Boissonneault, Barb Hoffman, Shelley Camm, Fern Hunt, Marilyn Boissonneault again, Ron Stewart (briefly), Lore Bruder, Al Alcock, Gloria Graham, Shelley Camm, Gloria Graham, amd Anne Gunn.
In the late 1970s, steps were taken to formalize the structure and obtain Canadian Kennel Club recognition. The club constitution was submitted to the Canadian Kennel Club in 1979, approved in 1981, and the club began working toward permission to hold specialty shows.
Although their numbers remained small, the club members completed the requirements to hold specialty shows and the first Canadian national specialty for Cardigan Welsh Corgis was held at Fort Erie, Ontario on May 17, 1987, with an entry of 170. That specialty was held in conjunction with the Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club of America National Specialty the preceding day in Olean, New York. Betty McHugh judged regular classes and obedience, Sue Bain judged Puppy Sweepstakes. Since then specialties have been held annually in various regions of Canada including north to the Yukon Territory. The 2000 specialty was an exceptional event in the town of Cardigan on Prince Edward Island.