Join the CCCC

From the club bylaws:

Section 2: Application for Membership

  1. All applicants for membership must receive a copy of the Club Constitution and Code of Ethics. A written application for membership, signed individually by each adult applicant as agreement to adhere to the Constitution and Code of Ethics, shall be submitted to the Club Secretary together with the current year’s dues.
  2. An applicant for full membership must be sponsored by two (2) Regular Members in good standing.
  3. Membership in the Canadian Cardigan Corgi Club may be refused if the applicant is under suspension by the Canadian Kennel Club or any other dog-related Club (all-breed, breed or performance) in any country; or has been convicted of cruelty to animals. If an application for membership is not approved, the fees will be promptly returned to the applicant. Any individual rejected for membership by the Club must be provided with a written explanation.
  4. Once an application for membership has been accepted the Secretary shall record the status of membership. A welcoming package shall be forwarded containing a copy of the Constitution and Bylaws along with any other information that the Board of Directors may wish to have included.

Membership Application and Renewal Form

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