Twelve years old and still going strong – CH Finnshavn Souris Ozwizard HA

ozzy1Although tucked up in a wicker basket with his toys, Ozzy, a Cardigan puppy, whispered his loneliness on the first night in his new home. But all was well. In the morning, Lucy Power found her son Nick curled up asleep with Ozzy on the floor.


Twelve years later, the special relationship endures as Ozzy became the ring-bearer at Nick’s wedding, October 2014. Ozzy smartly dressed in a bow tie with the ring attached marched up to the best man to give him the ring.




And then because Ozzy is such a hard-working and versatile Cardigan, the weekend following the wedding, Ozzy at 12 years of age finished his Herding Trial Arena Dog title at the Advanced level with his partner/handler Lucy Power. Ozzy is the first Canadian Cardigan with an Advanced level HTAD title. When Ozzy is not out working sheep in the fields, he keeps a close eye on his ‘home’ flock.