I am pleased to announce that the Canadian Cardigan Corgi Club is now registered for on-line banking, so now you can send money using etransfer, if you wish. For those of you who haven’t used on-line banking before, I hope you will find the following steps helpful, should you want to try it out!
While each bank may have a slightly different screen sequence that you may have to follow, this is the one for the TD Bank. If you don’t have internet banking, you will first need to set that up with your bank. Once you have on-line banking, these are the steps to set up the CCCC as a recipient for etransfers:
Login to your own bank accounts
Click on “interac etransfer”
Click on your name, and select the account you want the funds taken from
Enter the $ amount (if there is money you want to transfer…otherwise just put $0)
Click on “Add recipient”
Type in the name: Canadian Cardigan Corgi Club
Type in the email address: cccctreasurer@cardigancorgi.ca
Type into the security question box: What is my dog’s name?
Type into the answer box (all in lower case): duncan
Confirm answer: duncan
Click: next and finish
Now that you have set up the CCCC as a recipient, you can click “send money” and proceed to send your etransfer. As soon as you press finish, the funds are withdrawn from your account. (just like using a debit card)
Once the transfer is complete, you will get a confirmation page from your bank with a confirmation number. You should keep a record of the confirmation #. As Club treasurer, I will then receive an email from the club email address & I can then accept the funds into the Club account. Once I accept the funds, you will receive another email stating that I have accepted your transfer. This usually takes about 1/2hr from when I open the email. You should keep a copy of this email too for your records.
Don’t panic if you don’t get the final email right away. I have to be on the net to accept your transfer, and I usually only log on a couple of times a day…..so please be patient!